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New York, un altro sguardo
Negli anni jacob burckhardt ha svolto molti e diversi lavori, raccoglitore di mirtilli, operaio nelle acciaierie, camionista, autista di taxi, riparatore di macchine fotografiche e fotografo. Ha lavorato come tecnico del suono in Africa e nell’industria porno, come montatore e tecnico per molti film “indipendenti”. Negli ultimi anni dirige alla Work Edit inc. una post production per l’editing e il suono. Ha diretto e prodotto due film: nel 1984 “IT DON’T PAY TO BE AN HONEST CITIZEN”, con William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg e Vincent D’Onofrio, e nel1986 “LANDLORD BLUES”. Entrambi i film sono stati presentati a vari Festival internazionali e sono distribuiti in video e DVD. Nel 1990 inizia la sua collaborazione con l’allora famoso Mr. Fashion (AKA Frankie Lymon’s Nephew) e poi con Royston Scott. Da questo incontro escono quattro cortometraggi della serie “Black Moments in Great History”: “THE FRANKIE LYMON’S NEPHEW STORY”, “FREEDOM HO OR HARRIET TUBMAN’S TALE”, “LOUIS THE FOURTEENTH STREET” e “TOMORROW ALWAYS COMES”. Jacob Burckhardt è da sempre fotografo, con i suoi scatti veloci e i suoi rapidi sguardi sull’esistenza quotidiana della sua città, New York, e dei suoi numerosi viaggi. Ha partecipato a numerose collettive. I suoi lavori sono stati esposti al Millennium Film Workshop, alla Silo Gallery di New York e nella sede romana di “Wanted in Rome”.

Over the years jacob burckhardt has worked at a variety of jobs: Blueberry picker, Steel Mill laborer, Fuller Brush man, Truck driver, Taxi driver, camera repairman, and photographer. He has done sound recording in North Africa and the porn industry, edited and mixed the sound of many independent movies, and now runs a post-production sound editing and mixing facility at Work Edit, inc.

He directed and produced two features: it don’t pay to be an honest citizen (1984), with William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, and Vincent D’Onofrio, and landlord blues (1986). Both films screened at various international festivals and were distributed on video, and now the former has been released on dvd.

In 1990 he began a collaboration with the late great Mr. Fashion (aka Frankie Lymon’s Nephew) and then Royston Scott which has resulted in Four featurettes in the series “Black Moments in Great History”: the frankie lymon’s nephew story, freedom ho or harriet tubman’s tale, louis the fourteenth street, and tomorrow always comes.

He has also been taking photographs all that time: quick, nonmanipulated glances of what’s going on, in his home town (New York) and while travelling. Besides being in various group shows he has had three previous exhibitions, at Millennium Film Workshop and Silo Gallery in New York, and Wanted in Rome in Rome.

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Jacob¹s two cities